Category: Announcements

  • Bullfrog Alpha v0.80 Released

    I’ve been very busy with the new day job. It’s really taken a huge chunk of my time. Fortunately I’ve been able to eek out enough time to finally ready a new build of Bullfrog. This past week of heads down game programming has produced the following changes for this new release: heavy bug animation…

  • Bullfrog Alpha v0.60 Released

    A new version of Bullfrog is now available with tons of enhancements. Though a majority of the work went into the refactoring of the cocoa and objective-c code. These were important changes that allow for adding new bugs in future versions. It also allows me to move away from procedurally built levels to designed levels…

  • Playable Build of Bullfrog

    I have an early playable build of Bullfrog now available for download. Keep a few things in mind: There’s still some missing functionality Graphics are all temporary “developer’s” artwork. Has only been tested on Mac OS X 10.4.2 and 10.4.3 Has not been performance tuned yet, but runs great on a Dual 2GHz G5 and…

  • Company Logo Design

    My company logo design project has started. If interested, you can follow along on my company blog.

  • Announcing LicenseKeeper, a New Blog, and a Company Name

    A funny thing has happened to me since I started writing about my pursuit of Mac game development. New needs, ideas, and opportunities have arisen. Some directly related to blogging, some related to running a MicroISV, and yet others related to my normal everyday technology-centric life. This last item leads me to my first announcement:…