
Sorry for the lack of updates here. I have been quite busy with the development and recent release of LicenseKeeper.

I do have plans to start the initial design phase of my next game soon. But, I need to get through the next release of LicenseKeeper as well as some Cocoa consulting work for one of my clients.

I’m debating whether this next game will be Leopard only. I really want to work with the new technologies coming out of Apple. Some of the things I’ve seen and played with have great promise, not only for standard applications but for Mac game development. We’ll see how things develop as I commit more time to the project.

I have had a little time to game a bit. I’ve been playing some Call of Duty 2 multiplayer online. While I’m starting to tire of the standard maps, there are plenty of mods and custom maps to keep things interesting. I have a couple of friends that also play and I’m really enjoying jumping online with them and using Team-Speex. I also picked up Age of Empires III and while the graphics are very good, I think I’m done with the AOE franchise. I think the whole real-time strategy genre has reached a point where some real innovation and originality is needed.

On a side note, I’ve moved all the RSS feeds over to FeedBurner today. So if you experience any issues, please let me know. Of course, if it’s not working you are unlikely to see this post at all.






2 responses to “Updates”

  1. Darius K. Avatar

    Hey, I’ve been following your blogs since you linked to me back in December. I only now realized that you’re Boston-based. You should come out to a Postmortem some time!

  2. Jon Trainer Avatar

    Looks interesting. When is the next meeting scheduled?